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faith article
Luke 24:13-35
"Were not our hearts burning within us while he spoke to us on the way and opened the Scriptures to us?"

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Cleophas� Wife

For Cleophas, one of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, returning to Jerusalem meant not only facing the religious authorities, but the "I told ya so" from his wife, Mary, one of the first witnesses to the resurrection.

Cleophas' family

"Oh, really, Cleophas, now you believe
For He has shown Himself along the way?
No longer was I trying to deceive,
Hallucinating angel words today?

I am your wife and so I must be glad
That such a grace was given to a male,
Yet as your wife I'm right to be still mad
You thought the Risen Christ a woman's tale.

So let's agree on this, God will repay us:
I won't tell you of any resurrections,
And, Darling, when you're going to Emmaus,
Please always ask a Stranger for directions."

All this he heard without words, packed within
A tapping foot, and eyebrow-arching grin.

May 4, 2004

EDWARD MULHOLLAND, PhD, teaches philosophy at the Our Lady of Thornwood Education and Training Center

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05.04.04   Godspy says:
For Cleophas, one of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, returning to Jerusalem meant not only facing the religious authorities, but the "I told ya so" from his wife, Mary, one of the first witnesses to the resurrection.

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