Error Diagnostic InformationAn error occurred while evaluating the expression: left(request.adwonderInfo.cfproductversion,1) gte 6Error near line 1612, column 53. Error resolving parameter REQUEST.ADWONDERINFO.CFPRODUCTVERSION The object ADWONDERINFO.CFPRODUCTVERSION is not present in the scope named REQUEST. It is likely that you have misspelled the name of the object you are trying to access.
The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (CFIF), occupying document position (1612:2) to (1612:59) in the template file D:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\GODSPY\REVORG\ADWONDER\SERVE\ADWONDER.CFM. Date/Time: 03/27/08 14:59:00 |