Christianity and Gnosticism A Conflict About Method, by Lorenzo Albacete
In the Incarnation, salvation springs from the earth, from human flesh, from the very body despised by the Gnostics of The Da Vinci Code. |
Communion & Liberation
International Catholic lay movement that engages contemporary culture. |
Guilt & Wonder, by Lorenzo Albacete
The experience of complete forgiveness follows the experience of a love offered unconditionally, "while we were still God's enemies," as St Paul writes. |
John Paul II and the Gospel of Peace, by Lorenzo Albacete
Is John Paul II the Catholic Ghandi? Does he want Catholics to be pacifists? |
The Cry of Suffering, by Lorenzo Albacete
The redemption of suffering cannot be found as an "ultimate answer" to a problem: it can only be an event that transforms the drama of suffering into a drama of love and shows love to be more powerful than its denial. |
The Elephant in the Room Ground Zero Three Years Later, by Lorenzo Albacete
We will not understand our present situation adequately if we fail to perceive its basis as a religious war. In the end, our future depends on the encounter between religion, critical reasoning, and humility. |
Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero: Interview with Lorenzo Albacete
�If I thought what we saw on Sept. 11, the dreadful and horrible possibilities of religion, were the only face of religion, I assure you I'd take off this collar. There is another face�maybe harder to see after Sept. 11 and what has followed it�but it's there. I see it every Sunday.� [PBS/Frontline] |
Faith, Politics and the Scandal of Christ, by Msgr Lorenzo Albacete
The national chaplain for the international Catholic lay movement 'Communion and Liberation' explains their 2004 election statement: 'A Call to Freedom,' and why Jesus Christ is the answer to the problem of religion and politics. |
The Joy of Priesthood, by Fr. Stephen J. Rossetti
From a human perspective, the world has never had enough priests. But perhaps that would change if the word got out about how happy and satisfied priests are, as Fr. Stephen J. Rossetti makes clear in this excerpt from his book, �The Joy of Priesthood.� |
The Masculinity of the Priest: An Interview with Father Stephen J. Rossetti
In 'The Joy of Priesthood,' Fr. Stephen J. Rossetti has written a modern manifesto for priests, one that captures the paradox of the priest's nobility and humility. We spoke to him about the recent Vatican document on homosexuality and the priesthood, and why priests need an integrated masculinity. |
Traces Magazine
Monthly magazine about faith and culture published by the Communion & Liberation movement. |
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The present scandal was brought about by a betrayal of the "nothingness" of celibacy, of virginity for the kingdom.
By Lorenzo Albacete
 [This article, which originally appeared in Traces, the magazine of the ecclesial movement Communion & Liberation, was first published by GodSpy when it began in September 2003]
Many American Catholics are worried that the crisis brought about by the revelations of sexual abuse of minors by priests has wounded the credibility of the Church. Credibility, after all, is essential to the Church's mission. The very word shows it: credibility comes from credo, "I believe." I believe what is credible.
Credibility appeals to experience, to the correspondence with the defining desires of the human heart. Credibility appeals to rationality. Faith is compatible with the demands of rationality; otherwise, it degenerates into fideism. A loss of credibility will bring about a weakening or loss of faith. An attack on the credibility of the Church has to be taken seriously.
Solutions to the "problem" are being proposed: a strict "policing" of priests and bishops, the elimination of celibacy, the ordination of women, protection from homosexuals, greater emphasis on traditional moral teachings, etc. Will all of this really take care of the problem and overcome the credibility crisis?
These apparent solutions assume that the presence of sin in the life of the Church can be neatly separated from the holiness that comes to us through her life. It attributes what happened to a human, sinful element within the Church, protecting thus what is of divine origin. But it is not possible to separate the two so easily.
Without the nothingness that is the human condition before pure grace, celibacy can only be upheld by a self-discipline sustained by repression or fear.
The Church, like the Incarnation, is precisely about the presence of the divine through the human, and of the human through the divine. This is the mystery of Christ, of which the Church is the fruit. The mystery of the Church cannot be separated from the mystery of Christ for otherwise He becomes an abstraction, an inspiring model for life whose memory recedes into the past and can only be kept alive by emotional binges, a frightened traditionalism, or an uncritical fundamentalism. These empty the Gospel of its bold provocation about the ever-present newness of Christ's claim.
Instead of trying to "clean out" what comes from human sinfulness in the Church, the only way to respond adequately to this crisis is to recognize the presence of Christ through it. This means that we must retrieve that experience of wonder that characterizes that encounter with Christ that is at the beginning of the mystery of the Church and without which Christian morality degenerates into moralism. It is a matter of that new beginning to which the "new evangelization" calls us.
According to Fr.Luigi Giussani, this new beginning "does not mean something new that we do, something that we invent. The new beginning is the replication of a Presence. It is a Presence that imposes itself and touches us. What has to happen so that the new encounter can be a new encounter is that we become what we were. What were we? Nothing."
In another period of corruption and crisis in the Church, the Lord said to St Francis of Assisi, "Rebuild my Church." Why was this mission given to St Francis? Because he had made himself nothing, because by embracing absolute poverty he could experience the encounter with absolute gratuitousness. The new beginning is the possibility of the experience of reaffirming this absolute gratuitousness.
The present scandal was brought about by a betrayal of the nothingness of celibacy, of virginity for this kingdom. The vow of celibacy makes no sense outside the nothingness that is the human condition before pure grace. Without it, celibacy can only be upheld by a self-discipline sustained by repression or fear. It is inhuman to live this way. But when sustained by an experience of this nothingness before grace, virginity for the kingdom is an affirmation of the truth of our humanity.
To affirm our nothingness is not to put ourselves down. On the contrary, it is to affirm the greatness of human life as open to grace, to the gift of divine life, to an unimaginable fruitfulness for all the human efforts to be what we can be. Credibility can only be restored by embracing again this nothingness characteristic not only of the vocation to virginity, but of the total vocation of the entire Church, of Christian life itself.
| September 17, 2003
MONSIGNOR LORENZO ALBACETE is National Director of the ecclesial movement Communion & Liberation. Reprinted with permission from Traces magazine. All rights reserved.
09.27.03 BKozak says:
Humility IS radical....it's the quiet confidence that God is behind everything we do...OR at least it is the fervent prayer that He is the real reason for all the decisions that we make...in consideration of the reality that we are human and therefore WILL at times delude ourselves into believing that we have made a choice that is of God, when in fact it is not (more likely borne of pride or greed or another ulterior motive not part of our conscious thinking)..and having done so...will then turn ourselves to His mercy and ask for a chance to once again find the road that He has chosen for us...and will then get back on it again and stay there for as long as we can...THAT is humility and it LOOKS bold, cutting-edge, and can even be well-received by people who don't necessarily value humility OR following God's Will...but who DO value confidence and success...and therefore will ask those living in the space of humility how they manage to do SO well, to which the answer is...."I humbly follow the path of my God"....and upon the completion of that verbal transfer of faith, the great but subtle movement to realign the Earth toward God (like one large piece of de-magnetized iron) continues.... |
09.16.03 Godspy says:
Forget easy fixes, says Albacete. Only radical humility will restore the Church's credibility. Tough advice, especially for Catholics with reform agendas. What do you think? |
09.15.03 Godspy says:
The present scandal was brought about by a betrayal of the "nothingness" of celibacy, of virginity for the kingdom. |